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Compatible with most popular
mobile computing and
smart phone applications, AND
99%+ of all browsers.
Secure multiple sites on one
physical machine
Convenient and quick online
authentication and issuance
Identity verification Smart Seal -
embedded date/time stamp
$10k Warranty
Comprehensive protection and
reissue policy
Enables 256-bit encryption |
In today's increasingly mobile computing environment users need ubiquitous connectivity, whether accessing Web-based information from their desktop, handheld computing device or smart phone. Power Server ID offers just that a global digital certificate that provides the highest level of browser compatibility and web security for mobile and networked environments.
An ideal solution for hosting companies and enterprises with a global e-business base, Power Server ID ensures that any customer can connect from any device, anywhere, anytime.
For a complete list of compatible devices, click here.
Power Server ID Wildcard can save you time and money in acquiring and managing multiple server certificates, and is an ideal solution if you need to secure multiple fully qualified domains that share the same base domain name and reside on the same physical server and share the same second level domain name. For example, if you need to secure the following websites:
- www.yourdomain.com
- secure.yourdomain.com
- product.yourdomain.com
- info.yourdomain.com
- download.yourdomain.com
- anything.yourdomain.com
and all of these websites are hosted on the same server box, you can purchase and install one Wildcard certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com to secure all these sites. The number of sub domains that you can use the wildcard certificate to secure is unlimited, for example, the same certificate can be used every time you add a new sub domain to yourdomain.com. If you need to span the wildcard certificate across multiple physical servers, you may purchase additional licenses.
With our patent-pending automated process for vetting and issuing certificates, we'll typically authenticate your web site and business, and issue a Power Server ID certificate in 10 minutes or less. As part of the provisioning process for Power Server ID, your business will be assigned a Unique Business Identifier (equivalent to a DUNS number). This business registration profile initially contains the basic self-reported information from your CSR your Domain, Company Name, Division, Country, State and City. Your Unique Business Identifier will allow relying parties to view and purchase additional data about your company. With access to your corporate profile, your customers can be confident conducting business online whether from their desk or their mobile computing device.
To provide you with an additional level of confidence and peace-of-mind, Power Server ID provides:
- Installation support - Our customer support plan includes one-on-one assistance with generating a certificate request, completing online enrollment and installing the resulting certificate.
- Premium level warranty - Our insurance policy protects you against economic loss due to theft, corruption or loss of use of an SSL certificate or private key.
- Unlimited reissues - In the event your server crashes, or your private keys are lost or inadvertently deleted, we offer a self-service reissuance process to replace your Power Server ID certificates free of charge.
With Power Server ID, you get the GeoTrust Smart Seal. Our patented smart seal technology provides fast, reliable and user-friendly web site identity authentication, and instant proof to your customers that your site can be trusted. The Power Server ID Smart Seal is dynamically-generated when someone accesses your site, and display a live time and date stamp. Users can click on a site seal to display additional verification information.
This GIF is a sample snapshot. The actual site will disable right click and save features and will display a live date / time stamp much like the True Site displayed on the bottom of this page
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